Class: blueprintjs.MinimalMultiSelect

blueprintjs.blueprintjs.MinimalMultiSelect(container, itemToText, itemToLabel, itemToTag, itemPredicate, itemCreate)

A skeleton to ease the creation of a minimal Blueprintjs multiselect element.


new blueprintjs.MinimalMultiSelect(container, itemToText, itemToLabel, itemToTag, itemPredicate, itemCreate)

Name Type Description
container Element

the parent element.

itemToText function

a function that maps an item to the text to be displayed (optional).

itemToLabel function

a function that maps an item to the label to be displayed (optional).

itemToTag function

a function that maps an item to the tag to be displayed (optional).

itemPredicate function

a function that filters the internal list of items when user enters something in the input (optional).

itemCreate function

a function that creates an item from a string (optional).



  • blueprintjs.Blueprintjs