'use strict'
import {observers} from "./observers";
import {widgets} from "./widgets";
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import {
} from '@blueprintjs/core';
import {Cell, Column, ColumnHeaderCell, Table2, TableLoadingOption} from '@blueprintjs/table';
import {MultiSelect2, Select2, Suggest2} from '@blueprintjs/select';
import {TimePrecision} from '@blueprintjs/datetime';
import {DateInput2, DateRangeInput2} from '@blueprintjs/datetime2';
import {add, format, parse, sub} from "date-fns";
import {strings} from "./strings";
* @module blueprintjs
export const blueprintjs = {};
* Base class that deals with injecting the common styles and scripts.
* @memberOf module:blueprintjs
* @type {blueprintjs.Blueprintjs}
blueprintjs.Blueprintjs = class extends widgets.Widget {
* @param {Element} container the parent element.
* @constructor
constructor(container) {
* Populate a DOM element with Blueprintjs components.
* @param template the DOM element.
* @param objs the components.
static populate(template, objs) {
objs.forEach(obj => blueprintjs.Blueprintjs.component(template, obj));
* Create a Blueprintjs component from a JSON object.
* @param template the DOM element where the component will be added.
* @param obj the component properties.
static component(template, obj) {
// {
// type: '<string>',
// container: '<string>',
// el: null,
// ...
// }
const container = template.querySelector(`#${obj.container}`);
if (!container) {
return obj;
switch (obj.type) {
case 'Table': {
obj.el = new blueprintjs.MinimalTable(container);
case 'Select': {
const itemToText = obj.item_to_text;
const itemToLabel = obj.item_to_label;
const itemPredicate = obj.item_predicate;
const itemCreate = obj.item_create;
obj.el = new blueprintjs.MinimalSelect(container, itemToText, itemToLabel, itemPredicate, itemCreate);
case 'Slider': {
const min = obj.min;
const max = obj.max;
const increment = obj.increment;
const displayIncrement = obj.display_increment;
obj.el = new blueprintjs.MinimalSlider(container, min, max, increment, displayIncrement);
case 'RangeSlider': {
const min = obj.min;
const max = obj.max;
const increment = obj.increment;
const displayIncrement = obj.display_increment;
const defaultMinValue = obj.default_min_value;
const defaultMaxValue = obj.default_max_value;
obj.el = new blueprintjs.MinimalRangeSlider(container, min, max, increment, displayIncrement, defaultMinValue,
case 'Drawer': {
const width = obj.width;
obj.el = new blueprintjs.MinimalDrawer(container, width);
case 'Tabs': {
obj.el = new blueprintjs.MinimalTabs(container);
case 'Spinner': {
const size = obj.size;
obj.el = new blueprintjs.MinimalSpinner(container, size);
case 'Switch': {
const checked = obj.checked;
const label = obj.label;
const labelPosition = obj.label_position;
const labelChecked = obj.label_checked;
const labelUnchecked = obj.label_unchecked;
obj.el = new blueprintjs.MinimalSwitch(container, checked, label, labelPosition, labelChecked, labelUnchecked);
case 'Toaster': {
obj.el = new blueprintjs.MinimalToaster(container);
case 'Card': {
const body = obj.body;
obj.el = new blueprintjs.MinimalCard(container, body);
case 'Icon': {
const icon = obj.icon;
const intent = obj.intent;
obj.el = new blueprintjs.MinimalIcon(container, icon, intent);
case 'Checkbox': {
const checked = obj.checked;
const label = obj.label;
const labelPosition = obj.label_position;
obj.el = new blueprintjs.MinimalCheckbox(container, checked, label, labelPosition);
case 'Date': {
const format = obj.format;
const minDate = obj.min_date;
const maxDate = obj.max_date;
obj.el = new blueprintjs.MinimalDate(container, format, minDate, maxDate);
case 'Datetime': {
const format = obj.format;
const minDate = obj.min_date;
const maxDate = obj.max_date;
const timePrecision = obj.default_precision;
const defaultTimezone = obj.default_timezone;
obj.el = new blueprintjs.MinimalDatetime(container, format, minDate, maxDate, timePrecision, defaultTimezone);
case 'DateRange': {
const format = obj.format;
const minDate = obj.min_date;
const maxDate = obj.max_date;
obj.el = new blueprintjs.MinimalDateRange(container, format, minDate, maxDate);
case 'MultiSelect': {
const itemToText = obj.item_to_text;
const itemToLabel = obj.item_to_label;
const itemToTag = obj.item_to_tag;
const itemPredicate = obj.item_predicate;
const itemCreate = obj.item_create;
obj.el = new blueprintjs.MinimalMultiSelect(container, itemToText, itemToLabel, itemToTag, itemPredicate,
case 'Suggest': {
const itemToText = obj.item_to_text;
const itemToLabel = obj.item_to_label;
const itemPredicate = obj.item_predicate;
obj.el = new blueprintjs.MinimalSuggest(container, itemToText, itemToLabel, itemPredicate);
case 'FileInput': {
const multiple = obj.multiple;
obj.el = new blueprintjs.MinimalFileInput(container, multiple);
case 'RadioGroup': {
const label = obj.label;
const inline = obj.inline;
obj.el = new blueprintjs.MinimalRadioGroup(container, label, inline);
case 'TextInput': {
const defaultValue = obj.default_value;
const icon = obj.icon;
const intent = obj.intent;
obj.el = new blueprintjs.MinimalTextInput(container, defaultValue, icon, intent);
case 'NumericInput': {
const min = obj.min;
const max = obj.max;
const increment = obj.increment;
const defaultValue = obj.default_value;
const icon = obj.icon;
const intent = obj.intent;
obj.el = new blueprintjs.MinimalNumericInput(container, min, max, increment, defaultValue, icon, intent);
case 'Button': {
const label = obj.label;
const labelPosition = obj.label_position;
const leftIcon = obj.left_icon;
const rightIcon = obj.right_icon;
const intent = obj.intent;
obj.el = new blueprintjs.MinimalButton(container, label, labelPosition, leftIcon, rightIcon, intent);
obj.el = null;
if (obj.el) {
for (let key in obj) {
if (key === 'type' || key === 'container' || key === 'el') {
const prop = strings.snakeCaseToCamelCase(key);
const desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Object.getPrototypeOf(obj.el), prop);
// console.log(prop, desc);
if (desc) {
if (desc.set) { // setter
obj.el[prop] = obj[key];
} else if (desc.writable) { // function
return obj;
* In order to avoid a memory leak, properly remove the component from the DOM.
* @name destroy
* @function
* @protected
destroy() {
if (this.widgets_) {
// Remove registered widgets
for (let i = 0; i < this.widgets_.length; i++) {
this.widgets_ = [];
* Renders the component.
* @name render
* @function
* @protected
render() {
const element = this._newElement();
if (element) {
ReactDOM.render(element, this.container);
* Initializes the component.
* @return {ReactElement|null}
* @name _newElement
* @function
* @protected
_newElement() {
return null;
* A skeleton to ease the creation of a minimal Blueprintjs table component.
* @memberOf module:blueprintjs
* @extends {blueprintjs.Blueprintjs}
* @type {blueprintjs.MinimalTable}
blueprintjs.MinimalTable = class extends blueprintjs.Blueprintjs {
* @param {Element} container the parent element.
* @param {function(number, number, *): ReactElement} cellRenderer a function in charge of rendering a single cell (optional).
* @constructor
constructor(container, cellRenderer) {
this.cellRenderer_ = cellRenderer;
this.observers_ = new observers.Subject();
this.columns_ = [];
this.columnWidths_ = [];
this.columnTypes_ = [];
this.rows_ = [];
this.loadingOptions_ = [];
get columns() {
return this.columns_;
set columns(value) {
this.columns_ = value;
get columnTypes() {
return this.columnTypes_;
set columnTypes(values) {
this.columnTypes_ = values;
get columnWidths() {
return this.columnWidths_;
set columnWidths(values) {
this.columnWidths_ = values;
get rows() {
return this.rows_;
set rows(values) {
this.rows_ = values;
get loadingOptions() {
return this.loadingOptions_;
set loadingOptions(values) {
this.loadingOptions_ = values;
* Listen to the `sort` event.
* @param {function(string, string): void} callback the callback to call when the event is triggered.
* @name onSortColumn
* @function
* @public
onSortColumn(callback) {
this.observers_.register('sort', (column, order) => {
// console.log('Sort ' + order + ' is ' + column);
if (callback) {
callback(column, order);
* Listen to the `fetch-next-rows` event.
* @param {function(number): void} callback the callback to call when the event is triggered.
* @name onFetchNextRows
* @function
* @public
onFetchNextRows(callback) {
this.observers_.register('fetch-next-rows', (nextRow) => {
// console.log('Next row is ' + nextRow);
if (callback) {
* Listen to the `selection-change` event.
* @param {function(Array<Object>): void} callback the callback to call when the event is triggered.
* @name onSelectionChange
* @function
* @public
onSelectionChange(callback) {
this.observers_.register('selection-change', (regions) => {
// console.log('Selected regions are ', regions);
if (callback) {
const cells = [];
for (let i = 0; i < regions.length; i++) {
if (!regions[i].hasOwnProperty('rows')) {
continue; // ignore the region if a whole column has been selected
if (!regions[i].hasOwnProperty('cols')) {
continue; // ignore the region if a whole row has been selected
const rows = regions[i].rows;
const columns = regions[i].cols;
for (let j = rows[0]; j <= rows[1]; j++) {
for (let k = columns[0]; k <= columns[1]; k++) {
cells.push({row_idx: j, col_idx: k, value: this.rows[j][k]});
_newCell(self, rowIdx, colIdx) {
return self.cellRenderer_ ? self.cellRenderer_(rowIdx, colIdx, self.rows[rowIdx][colIdx]) : React.createElement(
Cell, {
rowIndex: rowIdx, columnIndex: colIdx, style: {
'text-align': self.columnTypes[colIdx] === 'number' ? 'right' : 'left'
}, children: React.createElement('div', {}, self.rows[rowIdx][colIdx]),
_newColumnHeader(self, column) {
return React.createElement(ColumnHeaderCell, {
name: column, menuRenderer: () => {
// Menu item for sorting the column in ascending order
const menuItemSortAsc = React.createElement(MenuItem, {
icon: 'sort-asc', text: 'Sort Asc', onClick: () => self.observers_.notify('sort', column, 'ASC'),
// Menu item for sorting the column in descending order
const menuItemSortDesc = React.createElement(MenuItem, {
icon: 'sort-desc', text: 'Sort Desc', onClick: () => self.observers_.notify('sort', column, 'DESC'),
return React.createElement(Menu, {
children: [menuItemSortAsc, menuItemSortDesc]
_newColumn(self, column) {
return React.createElement(Column, {
name: column,
cellRenderer: (rowIdx, colIdx) => self._newCell(self, rowIdx, colIdx),
columnHeaderCellRenderer: () => self._newColumnHeader(self, column),
_newElement() {
return React.createElement(Table2, {
numRows: this.rows.length,
children: this.columns.map(column => this._newColumn(this, column)),
enableColumnReordering: true,
loadingOptions: this.loadingOptions,
columnWidths: this.columnWidths.length <= 0 ? null : this.columnWidths,
onSelection: (regions) => {
this.observers_.notify('selection-change', regions);
onVisibleCellsChange: (rowIndex, columnIndex) => {
if (rowIndex.rowIndexEnd + 1 >= this.rows.length) {
this.observers_.notify('fetch-next-rows', this.rows.length);
onColumnsReordered: (oldIndex, newIndex, length) => {
this.loadingOptions = [TableLoadingOption.CELLS];
// First, reorder the rows header
const oldColumnsOrder = this.columns;
const newColumnsOrder = [];
const oldColumnTypes = this.columnTypes;
const newColumnTypes = [];
for (let i = 0; i < oldColumnsOrder.length; i++) {
if (!(oldIndex <= i && i < oldIndex + length)) {
for (let k = oldIndex; k < oldIndex + length; k++) {
newColumnsOrder.splice(newIndex + k - oldIndex, 0, oldColumnsOrder[k]);
newColumnTypes.splice(newIndex + k - oldIndex, 0, oldColumnTypes[k]);
// console.log('Previous column order was [' + oldColumnsOrder.join(', ') + ']');
// console.log('New column order is [' + newColumnsOrder.join(', ') + ']');
// console.log('Previous column types were [' + oldColumnTypes.join(', ') + ']');
// console.log('New column types is [' + newColumnTypes.join(', ') + ']');
// Then, reorder the rows data
const oldColumnsIndex = {};
const newColumnsIndex = {};
for (let i = 0; i < oldColumnsOrder.length; i++) {
oldColumnsIndex[oldColumnsOrder[i]] = i;
for (let i = 0; i < newColumnsOrder.length; i++) {
newColumnsIndex[i] = newColumnsOrder[i];
const oldRows = this.rows;
const newRows = [];
for (let i = 0; i < oldRows.length; i++) {
const newRow = [];
for (let j = 0; j < oldRows[i].length; j++) {
// Next, redraw the table
this.columns = newColumnsOrder;
this.columnTypes = newColumnTypes;
this.rows = newRows;
this.loadingOptions = [];
* A skeleton to ease the creation of a minimal Blueprintjs select element.
* @memberOf module:blueprintjs
* @extends {blueprintjs.Blueprintjs}
* @type {blueprintjs.MinimalSelect}
blueprintjs.MinimalSelect = class extends blueprintjs.Blueprintjs {
* @param {Element} container the parent element.
* @param {function(*): string} itemToText a function that maps an item to the text to be displayed (optional).
* @param {function(*): string} itemToLabel a function that maps an item to the label to be displayed (optional).
* @param {function(string, *): boolean} itemPredicate a function that filters the internal list of items when user enters something in the input (optional).
* @param {function(string): *} itemCreate a function that creates an item from a string (optional).
* @constructor
constructor(container, itemToText, itemToLabel, itemPredicate, itemCreate) {
this.itemToText_ = itemToText;
this.itemToLabel_ = itemToLabel;
this.itemPredicate_ = (query, item) => {
if (itemPredicate) {
return itemPredicate(query, item);
if (query && query !== '') {
const txt = this.itemToText_ ? this.itemToText_(item) : item;
return txt.trim().toLowerCase().indexOf(query.trim().toLowerCase()) >= 0;
return true;
this.itemCreate_ = itemCreate;
this.observers_ = new observers.Subject();
this.selectedItem_ = null;
this.fillContainer_ = true;
this.disabled_ = false;
this.filterable_ = true;
this.items_ = [];
this.defaultText_ = 'Sélectionnez un élément...';
this.noResults_ = 'Il n\'y a aucun résultat pour cette recherche.';
get fillContainer() {
return this.fillContainer_;
set fillContainer(value) {
this.fillContainer_ = value;
get disabled() {
return this.disabled_;
set disabled(value) {
this.disabled_ = value;
get filterable() {
return this.filterable_;
set filterable(value) {
this.filterable_ = value;
get items() {
return this.items_;
set items(values) {
this.items_ = values;
get selectedItem() {
return this.selectedItem_;
set selectedItem(value) {
this.selectedItem_ = value;
get defaultText() {
return this.defaultText_;
set defaultText(value) {
this.defaultText_ = value;
get noResults() {
return this.noResults_;
set noResults(value) {
this.noResults_ = value;
* Listen to the `selection-change` event.
* @param {function(*): void} callback the callback to call when the event is triggered.
* @name onSelectionChange
* @function
* @public
onSelectionChange(callback) {
this.observers_.register('selection-change', (item) => {
// console.log('Selected item is ', item);
if (callback) {
* Listen to the `filter-change` event.
* @param {function(*): void} callback the callback to call when the event is triggered.
* @name onFilterChange
* @function
* @public
onFilterChange(callback) {
this.observers_.register('filter-change', (filter) => {
// console.log('Filter is ', filter);
if (callback) {
_newButton() {
return React.createElement(Button, {
text: this.selectedItem ? this.itemToText_ ? this.itemToText_(this.selectedItem) : this.selectedItem
: this.defaultText,
alignText: 'left',
rightIcon: 'double-caret-vertical',
fill: this.fillContainer,
disabled: this.disabled,
_newElement() {
return React.createElement(Select2, {
fill: this.fillContainer,
disabled: this.disabled,
children: [this._newButton()],
items: this.items,
filterable: this.filterable,
itemPredicate: this.itemPredicate_,
onItemSelect: (item) => {
// If the user selects twice the same item, removes the selection
const selection = item === this.selectedItem ? null : item;
this.selectedItem_ = selection;
this.observers_.notify('selection-change', selection);
onQueryChange: (query) => {
this.observers_.notify('filter-change', query);
itemRenderer: (item, props) => {
if (!props.modifiers.matchesPredicate) {
return null;
let active = props.modifiers.active;
if (this.selectedItem) {
active = (this.itemToText_ ? this.itemToText_(this.selectedItem) : this.selectedItem) === (this.itemToText_
? this.itemToText_(item) : item);
return React.createElement(MenuItem, {
key: props.index,
selected: active,
text: this.itemToText_ ? this.itemToText_(item) : item,
label: this.itemToLabel_ ? this.itemToLabel_(item) : '',
onFocus: props.handleFocus,
onClick: props.handleClick,
noResults: React.createElement(MenuItem, {
text: this.noResults, disabled: true,
popoverProps: {
matchTargetWidth: true,
createNewItemFromQuery: this.itemCreate_,
createNewItemRenderer: (query, active, handleClick) => {
return React.createElement(MenuItem, {
icon: 'add', selected: active, text: query, onClick: handleClick,
* A skeleton to ease the creation of a minimal Blueprintjs slider element.
* @memberOf module:blueprintjs
* @extends {blueprintjs.Blueprintjs}
* @type {blueprintjs.MinimalSlider}
blueprintjs.MinimalSlider = class extends blueprintjs.Blueprintjs {
* @param {Element} container the parent element.
* @param {number} min the minimum value.
* @param {number} max the maximum value.
* @param {number} increment the internal increment.
* @param {number} displayIncrement the display increment.
* @constructor
constructor(container, min, max, increment, displayIncrement) {
this.min_ = min;
this.max_ = max;
this.increment_ = increment;
this.displayIncrement_ = displayIncrement;
this.value_ = min;
this.observers_ = new observers.Subject();
this.disabled_ = false;
get disabled() {
return this.disabled_;
set disabled(value) {
this.disabled_ = value;
get value() {
return this.value_;
set value(value) {
this.value_ = value;
* Listen to the `selection-change` event.
* @param {function(number): void} callback the callback to call when the event is triggered.
* @name onSelectionChange
* @function
* @public
onSelectionChange(callback) {
this.observers_.register('selection-change', (value) => {
// console.log('Selected value is ', item);
if (callback) {
_newElement() {
return React.createElement(Slider, {
min: this.min_,
max: this.max_,
stepSize: this.increment_,
labelStepSize: this.displayIncrement_,
value: this.value,
disabled: this.disabled,
onChange: (value) => {
this.value = value;
this.observers_.notify('selection-change', value);
* A skeleton to ease the creation of a minimal Blueprintjs range slider element.
* @memberOf module:blueprintjs
* @extends {blueprintjs.Blueprintjs}
* @type {blueprintjs.MinimalRangeSlider}
blueprintjs.MinimalRangeSlider = class extends blueprintjs.Blueprintjs {
* @param {Element} container the parent element.
* @param {number} min the minimum value.
* @param {number} max the maximum value.
* @param {number} increment the internal increment.
* @param {number} displayIncrement the display increment.
* @param {number} defaultMinValue the minimum value selected when the component is rendered the first time.
* @param {number} defaultMaxValue the maximum value selected when the component is rendered the first time.
* @constructor
constructor(container, min, max, increment, displayIncrement, defaultMinValue, defaultMaxValue) {
this.min_ = min;
this.max_ = max;
this.increment_ = increment;
this.displayIncrement_ = displayIncrement;
this.minValue_ = defaultMinValue;
this.maxValue_ = defaultMaxValue;
this.observers_ = new observers.Subject();
this.disabled_ = false;
get disabled() {
return this.disabled_;
set disabled(value) {
this.disabled_ = value;
get minValue() {
return this.minValue_;
set minValue(value) {
this.minValue_ = value;
get maxValue() {
return this.maxValue_;
set maxValue(value) {
this.maxValue_ = value;
* Listen to the `selection-change` event.
* @param {function(number, number): void} callback the callback to call when the event is triggered.
* @name onSelectionChange
* @function
* @public
onSelectionChange(callback) {
this.observers_.register('selection-change', (value) => {
// console.log('Selected value is ', value);
if (callback) {
callback(value[0], value[1]);
_newElement() {
return React.createElement(RangeSlider, {
min: this.min_,
max: this.max_,
stepSize: this.increment_,
labelStepSize: this.displayIncrement_,
value: [this.minValue, this.maxValue],
disabled: this.disabled,
onChange: (value) => {
this.minValue = value[0];
this.maxValue = value[1];
this.observers_.notify('selection-change', value);
* A skeleton to ease the creation of a minimal Blueprintjs drawer element.
* @memberOf module:blueprintjs
* @extends {blueprintjs.Blueprintjs}
* @type {blueprintjs.MinimalDrawer}
blueprintjs.MinimalDrawer = class extends blueprintjs.Blueprintjs {
* @param {Element} container the parent element.
* @param {string} width the drawer width in pixels or percents (optional).
* @constructor
constructor(container, width) {
this.observers_ = new observers.Subject();
this.show_ = false;
this.width_ = width ? width : '75%';
get show() {
return this.show_;
set show(value) {
this.show_ = value;
* Listen to the `opening` event.
* @param {function(Element): void} callback the callback to call when the event is triggered.
* @name onOpen
* @function
* @public
onOpen(callback) {
this.observers_.register('opening', (el) => {
if (callback) {
* Listen to the `opened` event.
* @param {function(Element): void} callback the callback to call when the event is triggered.
* @name onOpened
* @function
* @public
onOpened(callback) {
this.observers_.register('opened', (el) => {
if (callback) {
* Listen to the `closing` event.
* @param {function(Element): void} callback the callback to call when the event is triggered.
* @name onClose
* @function
* @public
onClose(callback) {
this.observers_.register('closing', (el) => {
if (callback) {
_newElement() {
return React.createElement(Drawer, {
isOpen: this.show,
size: this.width_,
position: Position.RIGHT,
onOpening: (el) => this.observers_.notify('opening', el),
onOpened: (el) => this.observers_.notify('opened', el),
onClose: () => this.show = false,
onClosed: (el) => this.observers_.notify('closing', el),
* A skeleton to ease the creation of a minimal Blueprintjs tabs element.
* @memberOf module:blueprintjs
* @extends {blueprintjs.Blueprintjs}
* @type {blueprintjs.MinimalTabs}
blueprintjs.MinimalTabs = class extends blueprintjs.Blueprintjs {
* @param {Element} container the parent element.
* @constructor
constructor(container) {
this.observers_ = new observers.Subject();
this.tabs_ = [];
* Add a single tab to the nav bar.
* @param {string} name the tab name.
* @param {Element} panel the tab content.
* @name addTab
* @function
* @public
addTab(name, panel) {
name: name, panel: panel, disabled: false, is_selected: false,
* Remove a single tab from the nav bar.
* @param {string} name the tab name.
* @name removeTab
* @function
* @public
removeTab(name) {
this.tabs_ = this.tabs_.filter(tab => tab.name !== name);
* Select the tab to display.
* @param {string} name the tab name.
* @name selectTab
* @function
* @public
selectTab(name) {
let selectedTab = null;
this.tabs_.forEach(tab => {
if (tab.name !== name) {
tab.is_selected = false;
} else {
tab.is_selected = true;
selectedTab = tab;
if (selectedTab) {
this.observers_.notify('selection-change', selectedTab.name, selectedTab.panel);
* Listen to the `selection-change` event.
* @param {function(string, Element): void} callback the callback to call when the event is triggered.
* @name onSelectionChange
* @function
* @public
onSelectionChange(callback) {
this.observers_.register('selection-change', (tabName, tabBody) => {
// console.log('Selected tab is ' + tabName);
if (callback) {
callback(tabName, tabBody);
_newTab(tab) {
return React.createElement(Tab, {
id: tab.name, title: tab.name, panel: null, disabled: tab.disabled,
_newElement() {
const selectedTab = this.tabs_.find(tab => tab.is_selected);
return React.createElement(Tabs, {
id: 'tabs',
children: this.tabs_.map(tab => this._newTab(tab)),
selectedTabId: selectedTab ? selectedTab.name : null,
onChange: (newTabId, oldTabId) => this.selectTab(newTabId)
* A skeleton to ease the creation of a minimal Blueprintjs spinner element.
* @memberOf module:blueprintjs
* @extends {blueprintjs.Blueprintjs}
* @type {blueprintjs.MinimalSpinner}
blueprintjs.MinimalSpinner = class extends blueprintjs.Blueprintjs {
* @param {Element} container the parent element.
* @param {string} size the spinner size in {'small', 'standard', 'large'}
* @constructor
constructor(container, size) {
this.value_ = null;
if (size === 'small') {
this.size_ = SpinnerSize.SMALL;
} else if (size === 'large') {
this.size_ = SpinnerSize.LARGE;
} else {
this.size_ = SpinnerSize.STANDARD;
* Represents how far along an operation is.
* @param {number} value a value between 0 and 1 (inclusive) representing how far along an operation is.
* @name advance
* @function
* @public
advance(value) {
this.value_ = value;
_newElement() {
return React.createElement(Spinner, {
value: this.value_, size: this.size_,
* A skeleton to ease the creation of a minimal Blueprintjs switch element.
* @memberOf module:blueprintjs
* @extends {blueprintjs.Blueprintjs}
* @type {blueprintjs.MinimalSwitch}
blueprintjs.MinimalSwitch = class extends blueprintjs.Blueprintjs {
* @param {Element} container the parent element.
* @param {boolean} checked true iif the control should initially be checked, false otherwise (optional).
* @param {string} label the switch label (optional).
* @param {string} labelPosition the switch label position (in {left, right}) in respect to the element (optional).
* @param {string} labelChecked the text to display inside the switch indicator when checked (optional).
* @param {string} labelUnchecked the text to display inside the switch indicator when unchecked (optional).
* @constructor
constructor(container, checked, label, labelPosition, labelChecked, labelUnchecked) {
this.checked_ = checked;
this.label_ = label;
this.switchPosition_ = labelPosition === 'left' ? Alignment.RIGHT : Alignment.LEFT;
this.labelChecked_ = labelChecked;
this.labelUnchecked_ = labelUnchecked;
this.observers_ = new observers.Subject();
this.disabled_ = false;
get disabled() {
return this.disabled_;
set disabled(value) {
this.disabled_ = value;
get checked() {
return this.checked_;
set checked(value) {
this.checked_ = value;
* Listen to the `selection-change` event.
* @param {function(boolean): void} callback the callback to call when the event is triggered.
* @name onSelectionChange
* @function
* @public
onSelectionChange(callback) {
this.observers_.register('selection-change', (value) => {
// console.log('Selected option is ' + (value ? 'checked' : 'unchecked'));
if (callback) {
callback(value ? 'checked' : 'unchecked');
_newElement() {
return React.createElement(Switch, {
disabled: this.disabled_,
checked: this.checked_,
label: this.label_,
alignIndicator: this.switchPosition_,
innerLabel: this.labelUnchecked_,
innerLabelChecked: this.labelChecked_,
onChange: () => {
this.checked = !this.checked;
this.observers_.notify('selection-change', this.checked);
* A skeleton to ease the creation of a minimal Blueprintjs toast element.
* @memberOf module:blueprintjs
* @extends {blueprintjs.Blueprintjs}
* @type {blueprintjs.MinimalToast}
blueprintjs.MinimalToast = class extends blueprintjs.Blueprintjs {
* @param {Element} container the parent element.
* @param {string} message the message to display.
* @param {string} intent the message intent in {none, primary, success, warning, danger} (optional).
* @param {number} timeout the number of milliseconds to wait before automatically dismissing the toast (optional).
* @constructor
constructor(container, message, intent, timeout) {
this.timeout_ = timeout;
this.message_ = message;
if (intent === 'primary') {
this.intent_ = Intent.PRIMARY;
this.icon_ = null;
} else if (intent === 'success') {
this.intent_ = Intent.SUCCESS;
this.icon_ = 'tick';
} else if (intent === 'warning') {
this.intent_ = Intent.WARNING;
this.icon_ = 'warning-sign';
} else if (intent === 'danger') {
this.intent_ = Intent.DANGER;
this.icon_ = 'warning-sign';
} else {
this.intent_ = Intent.NONE;
this.icon_ = null;
this.observers_ = new observers.Subject();
* Listen to the `dismiss` event.
* @param {function(void): void} callback the callback to call when the event is triggered.
* @name onDismiss
* @function
* @public
onDismiss(callback) {
this.observers_.register('dismiss', (self) => {
// console.log('Toast dismissed!');
if (callback) {
_newElement() {
return React.createElement(Toast, {
intent: this.intent_,
icon: this.icon_,
message: React.createElement('div', {}, this.message_),
timeout: this.timeout_,
onDismiss: () => this.observers_.notify('dismiss', this),
* A skeleton to ease the creation of a minimal Blueprintjs toaster element.
* @memberOf module:blueprintjs
* @extends {blueprintjs.Blueprintjs}
* @type {blueprintjs.MinimalToaster}
blueprintjs.MinimalToaster = class extends blueprintjs.Blueprintjs {
* @param {Element} container the parent element.
* @constructor
constructor(container) {
this.toasts_ = [];
* Create and display a new toast.
* @param {string} message the message to display.
* @param {string} intent the message intent in {none, primary, success, warning, danger} (optional).
* @param {number} timeout the number of milliseconds to wait before automatically dismissing the toast (optional).
* @name toast
* @function
* @public
toast(message, intent, timeout) {
const toast = new blueprintjs.MinimalToast(this.container, message, intent, timeout);
toast.el_ = toast._newElement();
toast.onDismiss(() => {
this.toasts_ = this.toasts_.filter(t => t !== toast);
_newElement() {
return React.createElement(Toaster, {
children: this.toasts_.map(toast => toast.el_), position: Position.TOP,
* A skeleton to ease the creation of a minimal Blueprintjs card element.
* @memberOf module:blueprintjs
* @extends {blueprintjs.Blueprintjs}
* @type {blueprintjs.MinimalCard}
blueprintjs.MinimalCard = class extends blueprintjs.Blueprintjs {
* @param {Element} container the parent element.
* @param {Element} body the card body.
* @constructor
constructor(container, body) {
this.elevation_ = 0;
this.interactive_ = false;
this.observers_ = new observers.Subject();
this.body_ = React.createElement('div', {
ref: React.createRef(),
this.render(); // this.body_ must be rendered first!
get elevation() {
return this.elevation_;
set elevation(value) {
this.elevation_ = !value ? 0 : value > 4 ? 4 : value;
get interactive() {
return this.interactive_;
set interactive(value) {
this.interactive_ = value;
* Listen to the `click` event.
* @param {function(void): void} callback the callback to call when the event is triggered.
* @name onClick
* @function
* @public
onClick(callback) {
this.observers_.register('click', (self) => {
// console.log('Card clicked!');
if (callback) {
_newElement() {
return React.createElement(Card, {
children: [this.body_],
elevation: this.elevation_,
interactive: this.interactive_,
onClick: () => this.observers_.notify('click', this),
* A skeleton to ease the creation of a minimal Blueprintjs icon element.
* @memberOf module:blueprintjs
* @extends {blueprintjs.Blueprintjs}
* @type {blueprintjs.MinimalIcon}
blueprintjs.MinimalIcon = class extends blueprintjs.Blueprintjs {
* @param {Element} container the parent element.
* @param {string} icon the icon name.
* @param {string} intent the icon intent in {none, primary, success, warning, danger} (optional).
* @constructor
constructor(container, icon, intent) {
this.observers_ = new observers.Subject();
this.icon_ = icon;
this.size_ = 20;
if (intent === 'primary') {
this.intent_ = Intent.PRIMARY;
} else if (intent === 'success') {
this.intent_ = Intent.SUCCESS;
} else if (intent === 'warning') {
this.intent_ = Intent.WARNING;
} else if (intent === 'danger') {
this.intent_ = Intent.DANGER;
} else {
this.intent_ = Intent.NONE;
get icon() {
return this.icon_;
set icon(value) {
this.icon_ = value;
get size() {
return this.size_;
set size(value) {
this.size_ = value;
get intent() {
return this.intent_;
set intent(value) {
this.intent_ = value;
* Listen to the `click` event.
* @param {function(void): void} callback the callback to call when the event is triggered.
* @name onClick
* @function
* @public
onClick(callback) {
this.observers_.register('click', (self) => {
// console.log('Icon clicked!');
if (callback) {
_newElement() {
return React.createElement(Icon, {
icon: this.icon_, size: this.size_, intent: this.intent_, onClick: () => this.observers_.notify('click', this),
* A skeleton to ease the creation of a minimal Blueprintjs checkbox element.
* @memberOf module:blueprintjs
* @extends {blueprintjs.Blueprintjs}
* @type {blueprintjs.MinimalCheckbox}
blueprintjs.MinimalCheckbox = class extends blueprintjs.Blueprintjs {
* @param {Element} container the parent element.
* @param {boolean} checked true iif the control should initially be checked, false otherwise (optional).
* @param {string} label the switch label (optional).
* @param {string} labelPosition the switch label position (in {left, right}) in respect to the element (optional).
* @constructor
constructor(container, checked, label, labelPosition) {
this.observers_ = new observers.Subject();
this.checked_ = checked;
this.label_ = label;
this.boxPosition_ = labelPosition === 'left' ? Alignment.RIGHT : Alignment.LEFT;
this.disabled_ = false;
get checked() {
return this.checked_;
set checked(value) {
this.checked_ = value;
get disabled() {
return this.disabled_;
set disabled(value) {
this.disabled_ = value;
* Listen to the `selection-change` event.
* @param {function(string): void} callback the callback to call when the event is triggered.
* @name onSelectionChange
* @function
* @public
onSelectionChange(callback) {
this.observers_.register('selection-change', (value) => {
// console.log('Selected option is ' + (value ? 'checked' : 'unchecked'));
if (callback) {
callback(value ? 'checked' : 'unchecked');
_newElement() {
return React.createElement(Checkbox, {
checked: this.checked_,
disabled: this.disabled_,
label: this.label_,
alignIndicator: this.boxPosition_,
onChange: () => {
this.checked = !this.checked;
this.observers_.notify('selection-change', this.checked);
* A skeleton to ease the creation of a minimal Blueprintjs date element.
* @memberOf module:blueprintjs
* @extends {blueprintjs.Blueprintjs}
* @type {blueprintjs.MinimalDate}
blueprintjs.MinimalDate = class extends blueprintjs.Blueprintjs {
* @param {Element} container the parent element.
* @param {string} format the date format (optional). Default is 'yyyy-MM-dd'.
* @param {Date} minDate the earliest date the user can select (optional).
* @param {Date} maxDate the latest date the user can select (optional).
* @constructor
constructor(container, format, minDate, maxDate) {
this.observers_ = new observers.Subject();
this.value_ = null;
this.disabled_ = false;
this.format_ = format ? format : 'yyyy-MM-dd';
this.fillContainer_ = true;
this.shortcuts_ = false;
this.showActionsBar_ = false;
this.minDate_ = minDate ? minDate : sub(new Date(), {years: 10});
this.maxDate_ = maxDate ? maxDate : add(new Date(), {years: 10});
get date() {
return this.value_;
set date(value) {
this.value_ = value;
get disabled() {
return this.disabled_;
set disabled(value) {
this.disabled_ = value;
get shortcuts() {
return this.shortcuts_;
set shortcuts(value) {
this.shortcuts_ = value;
get showActionsBar() {
return this.showActionsBar_;
set showActionsBar(value) {
this.showActionsBar_ = value;
get fillContainer() {
return this.fillContainer_;
set fillContainer(value) {
this.fillContainer_ = value;
get minDate() {
return this.minDate_;
set minDate(value) {
this.minDate_ = value;
get maxDate() {
return this.maxDate_;
set maxDate(value) {
this.maxDate_ = value;
* Listen to the `selection-change` event.
* @param {function(string): void} callback the callback to call when the event is triggered.
* @name onSelectionChange
* @function
* @public
onSelectionChange(callback) {
this.observers_.register('selection-change', (value) => {
// console.log('Selected date is ' + value);
if (callback) {
_newElement() {
return React.createElement(DateInput2, {
formatDate: (date) => format(date, this.format_),
parseDate: (str) => parse(str, this.format_, new Date()),
value: this.date,
disabled: this.disabled,
placeholder: this.format_,
fill: this.fillContainer,
minDate: this.minDate,
maxDate: this.maxDate,
shortcuts: this.shortcuts,
showActionsBar: this.showActionsBar,
showTimezoneSelect: this._showTimezone(),
disableTimezoneSelect: this._disableTimezone(),
timePrecision: this._timePrecision(),
defaultTimezone: this._defaultTimezone(),
onChange: (value) => {
this.date = value;
this.observers_.notify('selection-change', this.date);
/* Time-specific functions */
_showTimezone() {
return false;
_timePrecision() {
return null;
_defaultTimezone() {
return null;
_disableTimezone() {
return true;
* A skeleton to ease the creation of a minimal Blueprintjs datetime element.
* @memberOf module:blueprintjs
* @extends {blueprintjs.Blueprintjs}
* @type {blueprintjs.MinimalDatetime}
blueprintjs.MinimalDatetime = class extends blueprintjs.MinimalDate {
* @param {Element} container the parent element.
* @param {string} format the date format (optional). Default is 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm'.
* @param {Date} minDate the earliest date the user can select (optional).
* @param {Date} maxDate the latest date the user can select (optional).
* @param {string} timePrecision the time precision in {'hours', 'minutes', 'seconds'} (optional). Default is 'minutes'.
* @param {string} defaultTimezone the default time zone (optional). Default is 'UTC'.
* @constructor
constructor(container, format, minDate, maxDate, timePrecision, defaultTimezone) {
super(container, format ? format : 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm', minDate, maxDate);
this.timePrecision_ = timePrecision === 'hours' ? TimePrecision.HOUR_24 : timePrecision === 'seconds'
? TimePrecision.SECOND : TimePrecision.MINUTE;
this.defaultTimezone_ = defaultTimezone ? defaultTimezone : 'Etc/UTC';
this.disableTimezone_ = false;
get disableTimezone() {
return this.disableTimezone_;
set disableTimezone(value) {
this.disableTimezone_ = value;
_showTimezone() {
return true;
_timePrecision() {
return this.timePrecision_;
_defaultTimezone() {
return this.defaultTimezone_;
_disableTimezone() {
return this.disableTimezone;
* A skeleton to ease the creation of a minimal Blueprintjs date range element.
* @memberOf module:blueprintjs
* @extends {blueprintjs.Blueprintjs}
* @type {blueprintjs.MinimalDateRange}
blueprintjs.MinimalDateRange = class extends blueprintjs.Blueprintjs {
* @param {Element} container the parent element.
* @param {string} format the date format (optional). Default is 'yyyy-MM-dd'.
* @param {Date} minDate the earliest date the user can select (optional).
* @param {Date} maxDate the latest date the user can select (optional).
* @constructor
constructor(container, format, minDate, maxDate) {
this.observers_ = new observers.Subject();
this.disabled_ = false;
this.shortcuts_ = true;
this.dateMin_ = null;
this.dateMax_ = null;
this.format_ = format ? format : 'yyyy-MM-dd';
this.minDate_ = minDate ? minDate : sub(new Date(), {years: 10});
this.maxDate_ = maxDate ? maxDate : add(new Date(), {years: 10});
get disabled() {
return this.disabled_;
set disabled(value) {
this.disabled_ = value;
get shortcuts() {
return this.shortcuts_;
set shortcuts(value) {
this.shortcuts_ = value;
get dateMin() {
return this.dateMin_;
set dateMin(value) {
this.dateMin_ = value;
get dateMax() {
return this.dateMax_;
set dateMax(value) {
this.dateMax_ = value;
get minDate() {
return this.minDate_;
set minDate(value) {
this.minDate_ = value;
get maxDate() {
return this.maxDate_;
set maxDate(value) {
this.maxDate_ = value;
* Listen to the `selection-change` event.
* @param {function(Date, Date): void} callback the callback to call when the event is triggered.
* @name onSelectionChange
* @function
* @public
onSelectionChange(callback) {
this.observers_.register('selection-change', (range) => {
// console.log('Selected range is ' + range);
if (callback) {
callback(range[0], range[1]);
_newElement() {
return React.createElement(DateRangeInput2, {
formatDate: (date) => format(date, this.format_),
parseDate: (str) => parse(str, this.format_, new Date()),
value: [this.dateMin, this.dateMax],
disabled: this.disabled,
placeholder: this.format_,
shortcuts: this.shortcuts,
minDate: this.minDate,
maxDate: this.maxDate,
onChange: (range) => {
this.dateMin = range[0];
this.dateMax = range[1];
this.observers_.notify('selection-change', range);
* A skeleton to ease the creation of a minimal Blueprintjs multiselect element.
* @memberOf module:blueprintjs
* @extends {blueprintjs.Blueprintjs}
* @type {blueprintjs.MinimalMultiSelect}
blueprintjs.MinimalMultiSelect = class extends blueprintjs.Blueprintjs {
* @param {Element} container the parent element.
* @param {function(*): string} itemToText a function that maps an item to the text to be displayed (optional).
* @param {function(*): string} itemToLabel a function that maps an item to the label to be displayed (optional).
* @param {function(*): string} itemToTag a function that maps an item to the tag to be displayed (optional).
* @param {function(string, *): boolean} itemPredicate a function that filters the internal list of items when user enters something in the input (optional).
* @param {function(string): *} itemCreate a function that creates an item from a string (optional).
* @constructor
constructor(container, itemToText, itemToLabel, itemToTag, itemPredicate, itemCreate) {
this.itemToText_ = itemToText;
this.itemToLabel_ = itemToLabel;
this.itemToTag_ = itemToTag;
this.itemPredicate_ = (query, item) => {
if (itemPredicate) {
return itemPredicate(query, item);
if (query && query !== '') {
const txt = this.itemToText_ ? this.itemToText_(item) : item;
return txt.trim().toLowerCase().indexOf(query.trim().toLowerCase()) >= 0;
return true;
this.itemCreate_ = itemCreate;
this.observers_ = new observers.Subject();
this.fillContainer_ = true;
this.disabled_ = false;
this.items_ = [];
this.selectedItems_ = [];
this.defaultText_ = 'Sélectionnez un élément...';
this.noResults_ = 'Il n\'y a aucun résultat pour cette recherche.';
get fillContainer() {
return this.fillContainer_;
set fillContainer(value) {
this.fillContainer_ = value;
get disabled() {
return this.disabled_;
set disabled(value) {
this.disabled_ = value;
get items() {
return this.items_;
set items(values) {
this.items_ = values;
get selectedItems() {
return this.selectedItems_;
set selectedItems(value) {
this.selectedItems_ = value ? value : [];
get defaultText() {
return this.defaultText_;
set defaultText(value) {
this.defaultText_ = value;
get noResults() {
return this.noResults_;
set noResults(value) {
this.noResults_ = value;
* Listen to the `selection-change` event.
* @param {function(*): void} callback the callback to call when the event is triggered.
* @name onSelectionChange
* @function
* @public
onSelectionChange(callback) {
this.observers_.register('selection-change', (items) => {
// console.log('Selected items are ', items);
if (callback) {
* Listen to the `filter-change` event.
* @param {function(*): void} callback the callback to call when the event is triggered.
* @name onFilterChange
* @function
* @public
onFilterChange(callback) {
this.observers_.register('filter-change', (query) => {
// console.log('Query is ', query);
if (callback) {
_newElement() {
return React.createElement(MultiSelect2, {
fill: this.fillContainer,
disabled: this.disabled,
items: this.items,
selectedItems: this.selectedItems,
placeholder: this.defaultText,
onQueryChange: (query) => {
this.observers_.notify('filter-change', query);
onClear: () => {
this.selectedItems_ = [];
this.observers_.notify('selection-change', this.selectedItems);
itemPredicate: this.itemPredicate_,
onItemSelect: (item) => {
// If the user selects twice the same item, do not add it twice to the selection
const pos = this.selectedItems.map(i => this.itemToText_ ? this.itemToText_(i) : i).indexOf(
this.itemToText_ ? this.itemToText_(item) : item);
if (pos !== 0 && pos <= -1) {
this.observers_.notify('selection-change', this.selectedItems);
itemRenderer: (item, props) => {
if (!props.modifiers.matchesPredicate) {
return null;
return React.createElement(MenuItem, {
key: props.index,
selected: props.modifiers.active,
text: this.itemToText_ ? this.itemToText_(item) : item,
label: this.itemToLabel_ ? this.itemToLabel_(item) : '',
onFocus: props.handleFocus,
onClick: props.handleClick,
tagRenderer: (item) => {
return this.itemToTag_ ? this.itemToTag_(item) : item;
onRemove: (tag, index) => {
this.selectedItems_.splice(index, 1);
this.observers_.notify('selection-change', this.selectedItems);
noResults: React.createElement(MenuItem, {
text: this.noResults, disabled: true,
popoverProps: {
matchTargetWidth: true,
resetOnSelect: !!this.itemCreate_,
createNewItemFromQuery: this.itemCreate_,
createNewItemRenderer: (query, active, handleClick) => {
return React.createElement(MenuItem, {
icon: 'add', selected: active, text: query, onClick: handleClick,
* A skeleton to ease the creation of a minimal Blueprintjs suggest element.
* @memberOf module:blueprintjs
* @extends {blueprintjs.Blueprintjs}
* @type {blueprintjs.MinimalSuggest}
blueprintjs.MinimalSuggest = class extends blueprintjs.Blueprintjs {
* @param {Element} container the parent element.
* @param {function(*): string} itemToText a function that maps an item to the text to be displayed (optional).
* @param {function(*): string} itemToLabel a function that maps an item to the label to be displayed (optional).
* @param {function(*): boolean} itemPredicate a function that filters the internal list of items when user enters something in the input (optional).
* @constructor
constructor(container, itemToText, itemToLabel, itemPredicate) {
this.itemToText_ = itemToText;
this.itemToLabel_ = itemToLabel;
this.itemPredicate_ = (query, item) => {
if (itemPredicate) {
return itemPredicate(query, item);
if (query && query !== '') {
const txt = this.itemToText_ ? this.itemToText_(item) : item;
return txt.trim().toLowerCase().indexOf(query.trim().toLowerCase()) >= 0;
return true;
this.observers_ = new observers.Subject();
this.fillContainer_ = true;
this.disabled_ = false;
this.items_ = [];
this.selectedItem_ = null;
this.defaultText_ = 'Saisissez un caractère...';
this.noResults_ = 'Il n\'y a aucun résultat pour cette recherche.';
get fillContainer() {
return this.fillContainer_;
set fillContainer(value) {
this.fillContainer_ = value;
get disabled() {
return this.disabled_;
set disabled(value) {
this.disabled_ = value;
get items() {
return this.items_;
set items(values) {
this.items_ = values;
get selectedItem() {
return this.selectedItem_;
set selectedItem(value) {
this.selectedItem_ = value ? value : null;
get defaultText() {
return this.defaultText_;
set defaultText(value) {
this.defaultText_ = value;
const input = this.container.querySelector('input');
if (input) {
input.placeholder = this.defaultText_;
get noResults() {
return this.noResults_;
set noResults(value) {
this.noResults_ = value;
* Listen to the `selection-change` event.
* @param {function(*): void} callback the callback to call when the event is triggered.
* @name onSelectionChange
* @function
* @public
onSelectionChange(callback) {
this.observers_.register('selection-change', (item) => {
// console.log('Selected item is ', item);
if (callback) {
* Listen to the `filter-change` event.
* @param {function(*): void} callback the callback to call when the event is triggered.
* @name onFilterChange
* @function
* @public
onFilterChange(callback) {
this.observers_.register('filter-change', (query) => {
// console.log('Query is ', query);
if (callback) {
_newElement() {
return React.createElement(Suggest2, {
fill: this.fillContainer,
disabled: this.disabled,
items: this.items,
selectedItem: this.selectedItem,
onQueryChange: (query) => {
this.observers_.notify('filter-change', query);
inputValueRenderer: item => this.itemToText_ ? this.itemToText_(item) : item,
onItemSelect: (item) => {
this.selectedItem_ = item;
this.observers_.notify('selection-change', this.selectedItem);
itemPredicate: this.itemPredicate_,
itemRenderer: (item, props) => {
if (!props.modifiers.matchesPredicate) {
return null;
return React.createElement(MenuItem, {
key: props.index,
selected: props.modifiers.active,
text: this.itemToText_ ? this.itemToText_(item) : item,
label: this.itemToLabel_ ? this.itemToLabel_(item) : '',
onFocus: props.handleFocus,
onClick: props.handleClick,
noResults: React.createElement(MenuItem, {
text: this.noResults, disabled: true,
popoverProps: {
matchTargetWidth: true,
* A skeleton to ease the creation of a minimal Blueprintjs file input element.
* @memberOf module:blueprintjs
* @extends {blueprintjs.Blueprintjs}
* @type {blueprintjs.MinimalFileInput}
blueprintjs.MinimalFileInput = class extends blueprintjs.Blueprintjs {
* @param {Element} container the parent element.
* @param {boolean} multiple true iif the user must be able to select one or more files.
* @constructor
constructor(container, multiple) {
this.observers_ = new observers.Subject();
this.disabled_ = false;
this.text_ = null;
this.buttonText_ = null;
this.fill_ = true;
this.multiple_ = multiple === true;
get disabled() {
return this.disabled_;
set disabled(value) {
this.disabled_ = value;
get fill() {
return this.fill_;
set fill(value) {
this.fill_ = value;
get text() {
return this.text_;
set text(value) {
this.text_ = value;
get buttonText() {
return this.buttonText_;
set buttonText(value) {
this.buttonText_ = value;
get multiple() {
return this.multiple_;
set multiple(value) {
this.multiple_ = value;
* Listen to the `selection-change` event.
* @param {function(*): void} callback the callback to call when the event is triggered.
* @name onSelectionChange
* @function
* @public
onSelectionChange(callback) {
this.observers_.register('selection-change', (file) => {
// console.log('Selected file is ', file);
if (callback) {
_newElement() {
const props = {};
if (this.multiple) {
props.multiple = 'multiple';
return React.createElement(FileInput, {
inputProps: props,
disabled: this.disabled,
text: this.text,
buttonText: this.buttonText,
fill: this.fill,
onInputChange: (el) => {
this.text = el.target.files[0].name;
this.observers_.notify('selection-change', this.multiple ? el.target.files : el.target.files[0]);
* A skeleton to ease the creation of a minimal Blueprintjs radio group element.
* @memberOf module:blueprintjs
* @extends {blueprintjs.Blueprintjs}
* @type {blueprintjs.MinimalRadioGroup}
blueprintjs.MinimalRadioGroup = class extends blueprintjs.Blueprintjs {
* @param {Element} container the parent element.
* @param {string} label the group label (optional).
* @param {boolean} inline true iif the radio buttons are to be displayed inline horizontally, false otherwise. (optional).
* @constructor
constructor(container, label, inline) {
this.label_ = label;
this.inline_ = inline;
this.observers_ = new observers.Subject();
this.disabled_ = false;
this.items_ = [];
this.selectedItem_ = null;
get disabled() {
return this.disabled_;
set disabled(value) {
this.disabled_ = value;
get items() {
return this.items_;
set items(values) {
this.items_ = values;
get selectedItem() {
return this.selectedItem_;
set selectedItem(value) {
this.selectedItem_ = value;
* Listen to the `selection-change` event.
* @param {function(string): void} callback the callback to call when the event is triggered.
* @name onSelectionChange
* @function
* @public
onSelectionChange(callback) {
this.observers_.register('selection-change', (value) => {
// console.log('Selected option is ', value);
if (callback) {
_newElement() {
return React.createElement(RadioGroup, {
label: this.label_,
inline: this.inline_,
disabled: this.disabled,
options: this.items,
selectedValue: this.selectedItem,
onChange: (event) => {
const selection = this.items.find(item => item.value === event.currentTarget.value);
if (selection) {
this.selectedItem = selection.value;
this.observers_.notify('selection-change', selection);
* A skeleton to ease the creation of a minimal Blueprintjs text input element.
* @memberOf module:blueprintjs
* @extends {blueprintjs.Blueprintjs}
* @type {blueprintjs.MinimalTextInput}
blueprintjs.MinimalTextInput = class extends blueprintjs.Blueprintjs {
* @param {Element} container the parent element.
* @param {string} defaultValue the input default value (optional).
* @param {string} icon the icon name (optional).
* @param {string} intent the input intent in {none, primary, success, warning, danger} (optional).
* @constructor
constructor(container, defaultValue, icon, intent) {
this.defaultValue_ = defaultValue;
this.icon_ = icon;
this.intent_ = intent;
this.observers_ = new observers.Subject();
this.id_ = 'i' + Math.random().toString(36).substring(2, 12);
this.disabled_ = false;
this.fillContainer_ = true;
this.placeholder_ = null;
get icon() {
return this.icon_;
set icon(value) {
this.icon_ = value;
get intent() {
return this.intent_;
set intent(value) {
this.intent_ = value;
get fillContainer() {
return this.fillContainer_;
set fillContainer(value) {
this.fillContainer_ = value;
get disabled() {
return this.disabled_;
set disabled(value) {
this.disabled_ = value;
get placeholder() {
return this.placeholder_;
set placeholder(value) {
this.placeholder_ = value;
get value() {
return document.getElementById(this.id_).value;
_newElement() {
return React.createElement(InputGroup, {
id: this.id_,
disabled: this.disabled,
placeholder: this.placeholder,
defaultValue: this.defaultValue_,
fill: this.fillContainer,
leftIcon: this.icon,
intent: this.intent,
* A skeleton to ease the creation of a minimal Blueprintjs text input element.
* @memberOf module:blueprintjs
* @extends {blueprintjs.Blueprintjs}
* @type {blueprintjs.MinimalNumericInput}
blueprintjs.MinimalNumericInput = class extends blueprintjs.Blueprintjs {
* @param {Element} container the parent element.
* @param {number} min the minimum value.
* @param {number} max the maximum value.
* @param {number} increment the internal increment.
* @param {string} defaultValue the input default value (optional).
* @param {string} icon the icon name (optional).
* @param {string} intent the input intent in {none, primary, success, warning, danger} (optional).
* @constructor
constructor(container, min, max, increment, defaultValue, icon, intent) {
this.min_ = min;
this.max_ = max;
this.increment_ = increment;
this.defaultValue_ = defaultValue;
this.icon_ = icon;
this.intent_ = intent;
this.id_ = 'i' + Math.random().toString(36).substring(2, 12);
this.observers_ = new observers.Subject();
this.disabled_ = false;
this.fillContainer_ = true;
this.placeholder_ = null;
get icon() {
return this.icon_;
set icon(value) {
this.icon_ = value;
get intent() {
return this.intent_;
set intent(value) {
this.intent_ = value;
get fillContainer() {
return this.fillContainer_;
set fillContainer(value) {
this.fillContainer_ = value;
get disabled() {
return this.disabled_;
set disabled(value) {
this.disabled_ = value;
get placeholder() {
return this.placeholder_;
set placeholder(value) {
this.placeholder_ = value;
get value() {
return document.getElementById(this.id_).value;
* Listen to the `value-change` event.
* @param {function(number): void} callback the callback to call when the event is triggered.
* @name onValueChange
* @function
* @public
onValueChange(callback) {
this.observers_.register('value-change', (value) => {
// console.log('Selected value is ' + value);
if (callback) {
_newElement() {
return React.createElement(NumericInput, {
id: this.id_,
min: this.min_,
max: this.max_,
stepSize: this.increment_,
disabled: this.disabled,
placeholder: this.placeholder,
defaultValue: this.defaultValue_,
fill: this.fillContainer,
leftIcon: this.icon,
intent: this.intent,
onValueChange: (value) => {
this.observers_.notify('value-change', value);
* A skeleton to ease the creation of a minimal Blueprintjs button element.
* @memberOf module:blueprintjs
* @extends {blueprintjs.Blueprintjs}
* @type {blueprintjs.MinimalButton}
blueprintjs.MinimalButton = class extends blueprintjs.Blueprintjs {
* @param {Element} container the parent element.
* @param {string} label the switch label.
* @param {string} labelPosition the switch label position (in {left, center, right}) in respect to the element (optional).
* @param {string} leftIcon the left icon name (optional).
* @param {string} rightIcon the right icon name (optional).
* @param {string} intent the input intent in {none, primary, success, warning, danger} (optional).
* @constructor
constructor(container, label, labelPosition, leftIcon, rightIcon, intent) {
this.label_ = label;
this.labelPosition_ = labelPosition === 'left' ? Alignment.LEFT : labelPosition === 'right' ? Alignment.RIGHT
: Alignment.CENTER;
this.leftIcon_ = leftIcon;
this.rightIcon_ = rightIcon;
this.intent_ = intent;
this.observers_ = new observers.Subject();
this.disabled_ = false;
this.loading_ = false;
this.fillContainer_ = true;
get leftIcon() {
return this.leftIcon_;
set leftIcon(value) {
this.leftIcon_ = value;
get rightIcon() {
return this.rightIcon_;
set rightIcon(value) {
this.rightIcon_ = value;
get intent() {
return this.intent_;
set intent(value) {
this.intent_ = value;
get fillContainer() {
return this.fillContainer_;
set fillContainer(value) {
this.fillContainer_ = value;
get disabled() {
return this.disabled_;
set disabled(value) {
this.disabled_ = value;
get loading() {
return this.loading_;
set loading(value) {
this.loading_ = value;
* Listen to the `click` event.
* @param {function(void): void} callback the callback to call when the event is triggered.
* @name onClick
* @function
* @public
onClick(callback) {
this.observers_.register('click', () => {
// console.log('Clicked!');
if (callback) {
_newElement() {
return React.createElement(Button, {
text: this.label_,
alignText: this.labelPosition_,
disabled: this.disabled,
fill: this.fillContainer,
loading: this.loading,
icon: this.leftIcon,
rightIcon: this.rightIcon,
intent: this.intent,
onClick: () => {